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Friday, May 3, 2013

Murders vs culpable killings

The Boston bombers, which killed four people and injured scores more, are receiving obsessive media coverage. Every angle of their lives and motives are being examined.

Meanwhile, some corporate executives killed dozens of people and injured dozens more, yet the media are nearly silent about what happened there and why.

Except for the independent media, such as Truthout:

"It is certainly true that the Boston bombers intended to injure as many people as possible in the most public way possible. But while intent is more difficult to observe in the West, Texas fertilizer plant explosion, there is no question that the injuries and deaths there are also the result of people's intentional acts."

That is to say that anyone in Texas intended to kill people, only that they made intentional decisions that directly caused deaths--many, many deaths.

This is a company that has a long history of breaking the law and that is grossly negilgent and quite possible reckless, which is enough to make them culpable or responsible for these deaths.

So why are the media disinterested in murders committed by the wealthy? Or for profit?

Read more here:

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