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Friday, March 4, 2011

USA killing innocent civilians by the thousands in Afghanistan

And it is NOT called terrorism.

Nor does it regularly make the news.

But is happening. Every day.

And only the "alternative media" are talking about.


1 comment:

  1. It was overwhelming to read the article, and very frustrating to see children dying from the war. I know is not called terrorism because they are not fighting for any religious belief or ideology, but in fact it should be called terrorism, because is causing death of innocent people.
    The war has caused a lot of economic decrease, that affect the citizens specially the lower class, but of course the media doesn't cover this because it is control by the wealthy, who supports and finance the government.
    It is very horrific to hear about this devastating tragedies real issues that concern us, that do not even make the news because the ones in power decide not too...but this should be terrorism and should make national news...
