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Monday, March 14, 2011

North Carolina death penalty in the news

... or it's about to be in the news!

Watch this video summarizing a report about the death penalty in our state.

The report is here.

What is the right thing to do, given the facts established in the research?

1 comment:

  1. Although I agree with the death penalty, after listening to this video, it seems kind of unnecessary for North Carolina to still have the death penalty. Since NC hasn't executed someone since 2006, we are spending too much money on a system that clearly is not working. North Carolina also seems to have a high rate of unsuccessful death penalty sentences. Since the country is in such federal deficits, using tax payers money to execute prisoners seems wasteful and dumb. I think that we should follow suit with Illinois and abolish the death penalty, in order to save tax payers money.
