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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Because you need to see his arrest pictures?

I guess so.

Well, they are public record.

But the fascination with how weird he looks makes me sad.

The guy suffers from serious mental illness and never received help.

So he killed six people. And now he will get the help he needs.

Anyone see a problem with this?

1 comment:

  1. These photos themselves are bothersome looking without even knowing the context behind them. He looks like a sick person, both medically and mentally. I feel bad for not recognizing his face. I hear about him and the shooting all the time on the news, radio and conversations around campus. I know these pictures are all over the place and feel irresponsible for not recognizing him without reading. Unfortunately I feel people who are attracted to these mug-shots are those who fall victim to the entertainment in violent media. They have interest in the archetypal evil killer. His smile is sinister looking and he is mentally ill, making him the target of a lot of press because they know people will want to know about a psychopath that looks like this. This isn't for entertainment though. People died and there are probably more pressing stories people need to be reading that have more of an impact on them personally, not just an entertainingly sick narrative.
