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Monday, February 7, 2011

Murder is the rarest of all crimes

Yet, it makes up the largest share of stories in the media about crime.

Here are some good, brieef readings about why.
(" it allows them to escape from their 'same ole, same ole' routines in life. Their insurmountable everyday problems tend to be minimized when compared to a murder, making the individual feel less overwhelmed about day-to-day stuff we can all face.")
("one reason is that—let's face it—most of us in our own culture and others lead relatively boring, uneventful lives. As bizarre as it sounds, and although we may not want to admit it to ourselves," Schmid says, "many Americans engage routinely with murderous pop culture because it provides them with excitement in the midst of an otherwise mundane existence."

And more:

1 comment:

  1. I admit- I watch all of the crime shows and movies that come out. I love them. They are a large part of my decision to enter the field of criminal justice- so that I could help people who were in trouble. And that is where the true problem comes in- I was raised knowing that what I see on t.v and in the movies is not always 100% accurate and/or true. I was able to view these shows and not take from them fear of what is out there and misconceptions about crime, but rather that there are people who can help and see how badly crime is represented.
    I think that we are coming into a time when people are more educated and more aware of what is going on in the world, mainly because so many people are getting degrees past high school. So hopefully, this story will not be as true in the future.
    People will always be intrigued by these stories because of the reasons listed in the article, as well as the reasons we discussed in class(crime that deals with the innocent, the young, the old, and that are truly heinous and random will always sell and be interesting). No amount of education or knowledge will change that.
